Life Away From the Camera
Hi everyone! My name is Chelsea, owner of Chelsea Mason Photography based here in Ottawa. Being a photographer isn’t the only thing I am, I’m also a daughter to two wonderful parents, an “AMAZING” older sister, someone’s best friend and loving my children (who are made up of fur!).
Being a wedding photographer is an art that I’m very passionate about but I also love to have my free time! When I’m not editing, you will find me either obsessing over reality TV (especially Big Brother!), paying for over priced frappucinos or driving my new Micra!
In a nut shell...
I am thankful for my wonderful parents Chris & Liane Mason for supporting me through my journey and helping me through whatever life has thrown at me. Yes, I do believe everything happens for a reason. I'm where I am today, because of the amount of support I've received from these 3. Whether if it's picking up my business cards, convincing me to travel or simply sharing a Facebook post- I wouldn't of believed in myself if they didn't.
2012 Family Portrait
Now, Miss. Motley. Where do I even start... Motley is my 14 month puppy! What a bundle of "joy" she is. Motley (yes, in recognition of MotleyCrue) was brought home to me last January, and my life has changed for the best. She is LITERALLY the reason I wake up in the morning, starting at 7am. Every. Day. Like having a child, it is an amazing feeling to have someone(thing) depend on YOU for their needs. She asks for so little, but gives so much in return.
Finally, the one who literally keeps me together. By owning a house, a self employed photography business and a studio, sometime's I come crashing down. It's easy to fall apart when you're editing 15 weddings at once, 3 meals behind, out of dog food and having to be at a consultation in an hour! Normally, you would say "at the end of the day, he is there for me", but that is not the case. It's all day. From the time I wake up to the time I log off of Photoshop, Jeremy is always there to remind me that I'm capturing so many memories for wonderful people, that it's okay to take a break, and it was okay to sneak a third cookie at lunch. I met Jeremy while living in Ottawa and has been nothing but a positive atmosphere! He puts up with my 10 consecutive hours of editing and supports me no matter what is thrown my way. Thank you for travelling around the country with me! My plane rides to weddings are suddenly not so boring :-)
Chelsea <3